Welcome to the Cornell Waste Management Institute's (CWMI) Compost Use Guidelines and Specifications page. This site was created as part of a project, funded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), to connect consumers with local producers.
In this site, you will find compiled results of a comprehensive search that sought to identify guidelines for different categories of compost use. The purpose of this site is to provide information that will help you identify a compost product best suited to your needs. To learn more about the compost use categories catalogued in this study, click here.
To proceed directly to compost guidelines, click here. Note that individual states may have standards applicable to some compost products and uses.
The Cornell Waste Management Institute had no part in the development of these guidelines nor does it endorse any of the recommendations obtained from third party entities. This information is intended to provide generalized information about compost products and should not be interpreted in any other manner.
2003 Cornell Waste Management Institute
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